Landform Design Quarterly

Fall 2023
The Fall 2023 issue focuses on the LDI’s educational programs, including the “Lunch and Learn” virtual lectures for corporate members, and future offerings for individual and student members. Recent presentations by LDI leaders and future conference opportunities are also covered, along with a Position Paper excerpt.

Spring 2023
The Spring 2023 issue covers the recent LDI Annual General Meeting, which was held online in late February, provides an update on progress on the design basis memorandum guide, reports on a prestigious award given to LDI Founder Gord McKenna, gives a heads up on this year’s mine closure conference in Reno, Nevada, and reviews a new climate fiction novel that imagines a worst-case mine closure scenario.

Fall 2022
The Fall 2022 issue offers a report from this year’s landform design short course, another excerpt from the LDI Position Paper, a look at a new deep deposit design guide for oil sands, and a rundown of the first three episodes of Season 2 of Getting Closure.

Spring 2022
The Spring 2022 issue of the Landform Design Quarterly offers reports from Town Halls, an AGM, meetings of the TAP, an excerpt from the Position Paper, and more.

Winter 2022
The Winter 2022 issue of the Landform Design Quarterly focuses on a presentation delivered by Miriam Clark, Christine Daly, M. Anne Naeth, and Michelle Peters at a technical panel discussion hosted in October 2021, by the Calgary, Alberta, chapter of the Women in Mining Canada.

Fall 2021
The Fall 2021 issue of the Landform Design Quarterly features an essay on the emerging field of “co-reclamation,” which, in collaboration with Indigenous peoples in northern Alberta, is a participatory and inclusive approach to mine reclamation and closure.   

Summer 2021
The first AGM of the Landform Design Institute is featured in the Summer 2021 issue, which also includes an in-depth essay by Board director June Pollard on creating an effective design basis memorandum, an excerpt from the LDI position paper, and an update on the corporate membership drive. 

Spring 2021
The Spring 2021 issue of the Landform Design Quarterly features an example of landform design in action, an essay on geochemical risks at the landform scale, and an excerpt from the new LDI position paper, Mining with the end in mind

Winter 2021
The Winter 2021 issue of the Landform Design Quarterly features the first two in a series of essays by members of the LDI exploring the past, present, and future of landform design. Also included are a look ahead at the Institute’s agenda for 2021, reflections on what we’ve learned about learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, and introductions for three new members of the Technical Advisory Panel. 

Fall 2020
The fourth edition of the Landform Design Quarterly celebrates the Institute’s first anniversary and provides updates on the membership drive, the forthcoming position paper, the Getting Closure podcast, and a major LDI contribution to an international effort to establish tailing standards for the mining industry. 

Summer 2020
The third edition of the Landform Design Quarterly reports on examples of LDI principles gaining traction among mining organizations around the world, announces plans to launch a membership drive in September and release a call-to-action position paper in November, and reveals the Board’s plans to establish a set of task forces.         

Spring 2020
The second edition of the Landform Design Quarterly covers our efforts to continue spreading the word about landform design during coronavirus restrictions, describes a new project to compile case histories of what does and doesn’t work in landform design, and reports on a new study that uses coffee to illustrate how water moves through mine wastes and covers.

Winter 2020
The first edition of the Landform Design Quarterly includes a call for a new approach to mine reclamation, the 12 principles of landform design, a look at the successful five-day landform design course held at the University of Alberta, a review of the Institute’s accomplishments so far, and a list of the newly appointed members of the LDI Board of Directors and Technical Advisory Committee.